Hey guys,

It feels like so long since I’ve spoken to you here on the blog! I’m constantly running up and down trying to tie up loose ends and it feels like life is rushing under my feet. I can’t tell you how much I was looking forward to this yoga class as it came at the perfect time. I’ve been dealing with really bad anxiety lately as work has become a bit overwhelming and I’m struggling with dealing with it.

It doesn’t help that all my family and friends are hyper obsessing over my ‘ordained career path’ and are constantly asking me ‘What’s new with work?’. I’ve come to realise that as soon as you go down this working-for-yourself route, everyone just expects for opportunities to be flung at you on a daily basis and for you to want to divulge the ins and outs of your business to anyone that asks. I dread my mum’s daily ‘any new jobs?’ What’s app messages. They honestly push me over the edge. In terms of my anxiety, I’m going to make an active effort to get a therapist before things get worse for wear. I feel it’s very important to look after ones mental health because if your mind isn’t right, what’s left?

Taking time out to go to yoga was exactly what I needed to reconnect with myself. I mean don’t get me wrong, I pray on a daily basis but sometimes you just kind of want to sit in your own presence and reflect.  When you’re self employed, you can sometimes feel guilty for having ‘me time’ during your working day but it’s actually so detrimental if you don’t do so. I’m slowly learning of its importance. Yoga was more physically challenging than I expected, but it was very calming and just what I needed. I used to work at the Shard so it’s a complete 360 to be invited there for an event. In a way, it’s a direct reflection of my success if you may. Seeing as I felt so wrapped up in my own life (how self entitled?), I knew it would be a great experience to exercise in front of such an amazing and wide spread view to remind me of my smallness.

It made me realise that although I feel like there’s so much going on in my world, my problems aren’t really that big. There’s so much going on around me and so much to be thankful for. After the yoga class, we had a wonderful breakfast at the Shangri-La and caught up with each other. Will let you guys know how my annoying battle with anxiety goes!

Farfetch invited me to attend a exclusive blogger event. All views are my own

  • inubiyamarsha

    You are never alone… thanks for sharing Melissa. Blessings and health:))))

  • Chika W

    I stumbled over your blog today.However, I have heard a lot about you in the bloggers space. Please remember you are great at what you do, the every fact you have stepped out to work for yourself is a bold move and demonstrates you believe in you, your brand and your skill.

    When you get around to reading this smile and say “I can do this!”.

    Love Chika x